Saturday, March 5, 2011


1.         Yoga should preferably be done under expert supervision 2-3 times per week.

2.         In case you know Yoga, we suggest that the following ‘asanas’ be included in your programme.

3.         Each Yogasana is repeated 2-3 times except serial Nos. 1, 14 & 15.

4.         Persons with back problems should avoid serial Nos. 2, 4, 10 & 12.

5.         Persons with Cardiac problems, HBP, etc. should avoid serial 4 and 5.

6.         This programme will not only keep you fit, but is also beneficial for those persons who have high B.P., respiratory problem, mental strain, head - aches, digestive ailments, back problems, joint problems, etc.


1.         Stand warm up for Pawan Muktasana series.

2.         Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutation) Effect - on full body including heart and circulation.

3.         Ardh-halasana (30, 60, 90 degrees, double leg raises) Effect - on abdomen, legs, back reproductive organs.

4.         Sarbangasana (Shoulder stand) Effect - on brain, nervous system, thyroid, circulation.

5.         Halasana (Plough pose) Effect - on spine, nervous system, back, lungs.

6.         Matsyasana (Fish pose) Effect - on chest, neck, thyroid, lungs.

7.         Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) Effect - on lower back, reproductive organs, lungs, spine,        chest, abdominal organs.

8.         Salabhasana, (Locust pose) Effect - an buttocks, legs, hips, constipation, gas, digestion, etc.

9.         Dhanurasana (Bow pose) Effect - on abdomen, digestion, legs, back.

10.         Naukasana (Boat pose) (V sit-ups) Effect - on spine, abdomen, chest, etc.

11.         Bakrasana (Half spinal twist) Effect - on spine, fat on waist, gas, digestive organs.

12.         Paschmottasana (Sitting toe touch) or Padahasatasana (Standing toe touch) Effect - on digestion, spine, legs.

13.         Trikonasana (Triangle) Effect - on spinal nerves, waist, digestion.

14.         Pranayama (Deep breathing) 10 rounds each.

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